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Star Wars Original Trilogy Review

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

I have to say that my favorite character in all of Star Wars has to be Darth Vader. He's just this resilient force that keeps coming and is even more impressive than he is, considering he's an amputee. Something that I find very note-worthy of Darth Vader was that he used outdated, quickly-assembled equipment while still being able to kick serious butt even with those limitations. Also, given the time this movie was made, they made Darth Vader's suit so versatile and ahead of its time. It functioned like a space suit and a life support unit, which is surprising we don't have anything like that for real today.

In that same vein, an aspect of Star Wars that I liked as a whole (and not just Darth Vader) the best is the futuristic technology shown and implied to exist. I like the technology used, such as prosthetic hands, magical fluid that would heal most wounds, and lightspeed travel to almost any place in the universe in a New Hope. I feel like it would be something super useful in real life to be able to heal wounds or travel from point A to point B at super speeds.

Now, the thing I had a hard time coping with as the viewer was the development and maturing of Luke Skywalker. My issue with that during the whole trilogy was that I only saw bits and pieces of his maturing and growth, and then by the end, he's suddenly a fully realized Jedi knight. In the first few scenes of Luke in the first movie, he's just a regular boy living with his aunt and uncle on a moist farm. And parts such as Luke visiting the older man to being contacted by his old mentor aren't apparent if it takes days, weeks, or months. I just thought the movies took place in a year, but I believe including dates in the film would've been something helpful for the viewer. And then somehow, in the intervening period between the second and third movie, Luke has become a fully-fledged Jedi. This is never explained in the film, though it is referenced in the comic books tied in with the movie. I don’t read comics, so I was unaware of what had transpired in the intervening.

Similarly, I felt that the gaps in clarity around the timeframes affected the year the relationship between Princess Lea and Han Solo. I felt like their relationship was forced because there were only vague indications of romantic movies in the second movie, which are only slightly more robust in the third. All we kind of see is the jealousy Han has of the attention Lea gives to Luke since he doesn't know they're brother and sister.

In conclusion, I still enjoy the franchise as a whole. I think the lesson the franchise can always teach us is to always fight for what someone believes in, no matter what, like how we see in Luke and Darth Vader. What are your impressions of it, and do you notice the flaws in indications? I think no matter what its flaws. What are your images of it, and do you notice its drawbacks?


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