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Writer's picturejohn ramsey

Paradise Lost, my reflections on this epic story.



I just finished Paradise Lost. I meant to write this on Halloween, but finishing the book took me much longer than anticipated. I had read it once before and completely forgot how long it was. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I will say the language was a little difficult to follow. I still like the line: it is better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. It is a great line because it embodies what Lucifer wanted, which was to replace God. Of course, this comes about because Lucifer is angry that the Angels should bow before a lesser creation. This is understandable in a way, although one thing I do not understand is why he did not bring his complaints and concerns to God himself, something he could have easily done because it is understandable that a child may not understand all the plans and ambitions, of their parents, I feel that God would have understood his concerns and tried to reassure him.  I doubt that would have worked, but still, he should have tried before he decided to rebel because every diplomatic option should at least be considered before committing to armed conflict. In Lucifer's case, he was blinded by his pride and his exalted position in heaven's hierarchy. I also feel like he did not want to serve a creature he felt was lesser than himself. For this, he and all his followers were cast down to hell. This prison was specially created for them as well as any creature that chooses not to follow God's rules; it is important to remember that God permitted Lucifer to have his rebellion, I believe, to prove the point that no matter what Lucifer tries, he could never do anything that was, not what God permitted him to do.  I do think it was stupid for Lucifer to think that he could overthrow a being who was omnipotent and could see every move he was going to make before he made it. It is impressive that Lucifer could fight his brothers for as long as he was. It is a testament to his ingenuity that he could hold out as long as he was against a very formidable enemy; the size of hell implies that it is a separate dimension from Earth and heaven. I found it impressive that Lucifer could rally his comrades as fast as he could. I understand not why people say that if Lucifer were on Earth, I can see how he could be elected president if he wanted that position. The character reminds me of many past demagogues and the ones we currently have. Lucifer's followers were able to construct an imposing fortress within a couple of days, and it is implied that the angel that constructed Lucifer's fortress was responsible for it. Creating heaven's city where all the angels live. It is also implied that many of Lucifer's followers would later be considered God's even though those particular demons were not considered among the greatest demons in hell. Lucifer City is cold and pandemonium. Interestingly enough, this poem is where we get the word pandemonium. A war council was held in the fortress where it was decided that Lucifer and his minions would endeavor to not so much defeat God but dedicate themselves to doing evil things to frustrate God's design. Lucifer again does not realize that he can only do what God allows. Lucifer and his followers decide to attempt God's latest creation into joining them in hell by sinning. Lucifer elects himself to conduct this task. Lucifer flies to hell-sealed gates and meets two imposing correctional officers, one who calls herself sin and one who calls himself death. He is shocked to learn that they are both technically children. One that was born when Lucifer decided to rebel and one that was born slightly later, both of them were instructed not to open the gates, but the female cannot bring herself to harm her father, so she willingly opens the gates after being opened. They cannot be closed again until God decides to. Lucifer flies to Eden with the help of an entity called chaos, as well as some wind that carries him in the correct direction. I find it interesting that when Lucifer gets to Eden, he wonders about what sort of entities will inhabit the other planets in the solar system before he reaches Eden; Lucifer is sitting some time, taking in the beauty of the creation before he tricks Gabriel by turning into a cherub. I also found it interesting that God did not automatically think Adam might need a partner to start populating the planet, especially given that he gave all the other animals he created a partner. Another interesting aspect of the story is that Milton implied that spiritual entities could assume any form they wished. The other idea that I punished is that all God's creations were given free will. What matters is what they do with it. In the end, Eve eats the fruit from the tree of good and evil, and Adam eats it. Even though he knows better in the story, he needs it because God could make him another mate from his rib. He feels he will miss Eve, so he faces the situation and is well and Deep Throat. The angel escorts Adam and Eve from Eden; the Garden relates to Adam. What does humanity's future hold? Lucifer returns to hell, flush with victory, only to realize that his fellowship and turned into snakes were constantly trying to reach for fruit.

I recommend this book to everyone.  I am also curious for anyone who has read this book.  What are your thoughts on it?

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